Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Prevent Head Flattening and Shortened Neck Muscles in Your Infant

I thought it most beneficial to post a simple check list of the most effective ways to prevent flat spots on the head or misshapen head (plagiocephaly) and shortened neck muscles (torticollis) in your infants. 

*Avoid prolonged use of car seats, bouncers, swings, and the like.

*Only use car seats in the CAR not as a place to sleep at home.

*Allow baby plenty of play time lying flat on the floor, crib, bassinet, play yard.

*Tummy Time, Tummy Time, Tummy Time!

* Carry your baby in your arms as often as possible.

*Make sure your baby is turning the head to both directions daily.

*Be safe!  DO NOT PUT soft, plush items in the baby's sleep area to reduce the risk of suffocation!