Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is it ok for babies to sleep on their stomachs?

Should a baby sleep on his or her stomach? Parents and interviewers alike have asked me this question in reference to a baby who rolls him or herself onto the stomach while sleeping at night. Parents tell me they are “so worried” about this occurring, they will wake up many times a night and check on their baby for fear he or she has rolled over. This concern was reiterated in an interview on the "Baby and Toddler Instructions" interview I had with Blythe Lipman who expressed callers were asking this question of her on a regular basis.

My answer? If a baby can roll onto his or her stomach from the back without help, then yes, he or she can sleep there. I say this with confidence because if a baby has the muscle strength to get into that position, he or she has the muscle strength to get out of that position. The primary concern then becomes the safe sleeping environment. Just to remind you, a safe sleeping environment is alone in a crib or play yard with a mattress designed to fit in it, devoid of soft, plush items, or thick, heavy blankets.

Many babies actually prefer to sleep on their stomachs! So, go back to bed and relax. You will need as much sleep as you can get in these early years!

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